Now that I have reached the age of the average American farmer i understand why there is such a strong effort to encourage more young people to become farmers. Damn! It gets harder to keep up with each passing season.
So, I am seeking someone to help me a couple of days a week. Here are the details:
Compensation: $0.00. I can't afford to pay you however i will prepare you a delicious, nutritious lunch of fresh locally grown food. I will give you fresh produce to take home. I will teach you how to pull weeds properly, how to tell the good bugs from the bad, how to tie up and prune tomatoes, how to start plants from seed, how to apply permaculture principles, how to grow worms, how to attract beneficial insects to the garden and a host of other stuff. Whatever the daily task is we will do it side by side.
Qualifications: Show up on time. Be ready to learn. Be calm and patient. Think creatively. If you are a chatty Cathy or a blathering Billy non-stop talker bouncing off the walls. woohooo, yadayadayada, type person please do not apply.
Hours: 9:00 - 1 or 2:00 2 days a week. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday.
If you are interested please email me at telling me why you want to work at the Funny Farm and then convince me you are the right person for the job.
Keep on Growing!