Friday, September 21, 2007

Fish Sticks

I went to a conference at Fort Valley State U. yesterday put on by Team Agriculture Georgia called the Small, Beginning and Limited Resource Farmer Workshop. Well that certainly describes us to as T. It was a really good conference. The UGA expert on beekeeping Dr. Keith Delaplane gave a good overview of beekeeping. So now we'll be keeping bees of course but more about that later. Also on the program was Dr. Pat Duncan who is the director of the Aquaculture (fish farming) program at Fort Valley State. She is awesome. She is just getting the program there going but she has extensive experience in aquaculture and is very interested in getting farmers to integrate small scale aquaculture into a diversified farming operation.
My dream will come true after all. That is exactly what i want to do with our pond. Grow fish to offer to our csa members. She and I are going to apply for a SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education) Producer Grant to study the feasibility of small scale aquaculture for the small, poor farmer.
Yee Haa! I can't wait to get that project going. We'll be eating organic fish sticks real soon!

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