Monday, September 3, 2007

The Funny Farm

This is the first installment from our new adventure in suburban sustainable living here at the Funny Farm. Robin and I have had a dream since we first got married 34 years ago to have a place where we can practice organic farming, living gently on the planet and teaching others to do the same. About 2 months ago we got a call from our friend girl Charlie who has been keeping her eye out for some land for us. She said her Angels told her to turn left instead of right ( her usual route). She saw a for sale sign had just been put up on the property behind her own. She called us, we came out the next day to look at the property and we new it was the place where we would spend the rest of our days realizing our dream. It has space to grow food and flowers, a large pond for aquaculture, a nice barn for animals, some woods, a full basement where we can grow mushrooms... a perfect set up for a diversified enterprise only 20 minutes from our business and community garden in downtown Atlanta.
We've been here a month now and we couldn't be happier. We've been busy clearing brush, tilling some space for flowers and veggies, making compost and developing a plan to make a living here.
I'll be using this space to chronicle our our efforts to create a model that will demonstrate that it is possible to live gently and sustainably whereever you are be it in the city, in the 'burbs or in the country. It is a matter of desire and commitment. Stay tuned and we'll share our efforts with you.

1 comment:

  1. It is really great that u had fullfilled ur are luck that ur doing your own farming in your own land.growing flowers and selling them is a profitable work...
    Name: Deer farming
