Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Funny Farm gets its Stripes

We live in the suburbs remember. About 2 weeks after we moved in, our friend Kim, Robin and I were sitting out back on the screen porch drinking beer and attempting to solve the world's problems like we always do when we look down and saw a well dressed man walk around the corner of the house. We all walked down to greet him. He said he was a neighbor and welcomed us to the neighborhood. Then he proceeded to tell us that everyone in the 'hood kept their yards well manicured and that in the past they all had to get together and clean up our next door neighbors' yard because it was too messy. We politely nodded and said unhuh, thanks for stopping by and the man left. As soon as he was out of earshot Kim cracked up laughing. She said while we were talking to the guy she looked down at my bare feet and saw that my toenails were painted bright purple. ( may arms are covered in tattoos as well). She said it was only with tremendous effort that she was able to restrain herself from telling the guy that despite my appearance I'm not all that crazy and weird. 
Don't bet on it dude.
Today I tilled in the rye cover crop in the front yard, thats right front yard, in anticipation of planting tomatoes, peppers, squash and beans. Will the neighbors freak out? Probably. Do i care? Nope.
When they taste my organically grown vegetables they'll see the beauty in what we are doing. Maybe some of them will be inspired to convert their own chemical drenched, energy gobbling, lawns to a more sustainable, productive use as well. I truly hope so.
Beauty in in the eyes of the beholder, right?

1 comment:

  1. Purple toenails and tattos... LOVE IT!Front yard tilled up in tew anticipation of food, not tidy shrubs, roses & grass? You rebel!
    A well dressed neighbor informing you of how "they" cleaned up someone elses(!) yard because "they" did not like the looks of it? insulting, yet hilarious!
