Friday, March 7, 2008

I hate a thief!

Can you imagine someone stealing plants from a community garden? Well that's what is happening at our community garden right now. We had to close our garden center The Urban Gardener, next door the the garden because of the severe drought here in Georgia and the subsequent complete outdoor watering ban imposed by our incompetent state and local governments. We downsized and moved our business to a nearby neighborhood called East Atlanta Village.
Perhaps the vile villain assumes the garden has been abandoned which it hasn't.
Anyway i have been busy transplanting what the intruder hasn't gotten away with to the Funny Farm. We've added blackberries, pineapple guava, kiwi vine and sorrel. I still need to move the strawberries and asparagus but i have to prepare the beds first.
The bastard even took my paramagnetic energy collector cone i loving carved out of local
May he or she rot in hell!


  1. Not cool. Sorry to hear that someone is stealing from you!

    I'm going out of town for a while, but I hope that soon we'll be able to come by for some local produce. I tested Chloe out on a "Trail-A-Bike" and now I know we'll be able to bike over there whenever you are ready for us!

    Just let us know...

  2. People amaze me...thank God some of them still amaze me with their kindness and honesty. Sorry that you've bumped into some of the other type. What comes around goes around.

