Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sowing Seeds is Satisfying Stuff

I spent all day working at the Funny Farm. It took most of the morning to find all the stuff i needed to sow seeds, get the work station arranged efficiently and develop procedures to get the work done efficiently.
That done, i sowed 5 flats each of stir fry mix and lettuce mix for baby greens. 4 flats of different kinds of lettuce for transplanting and sale. A flat of 36 celery. It has been a long time since i grew celery. I was successful in Virginia so hopefully i'll be successful here as well.
One vegetable i have never mastered growing in Georgia is snap peas. When i've tried in the fall the frost gets them before they produce. In the spring the heat gets them. This past fall i harvested and ate the top growth with the tendrils and flowers.  They were very tasty. They tasted like peas. They are a common vegetable in Asia. This time i seeded peas in some old hanging basket pots we had and put them in the greenhouse. We'll plant a succession of pots so we can have fresh pea shoots until it gets too hot.
Tomorrow i'll do some tilling and planting before it rains on saturday.
Fresh food is coming soon!

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