Saturday, March 28, 2009


Aquaponics is a technique that combines aquaculture (fish farming) with hydroponics (growing plants in moving water). By doing so the plants get fed by the fish wastes while cleaning and aerating the water for the fish. I have been wanting to set up a system since i took a workshop at Growing Power in Milwaukee a few years ago. I was casting around the internet a few days ago and i found some videos on youtube of some simple systems. I realized I have everything i need to set a system up except a few fittings, a pump and some fish. I sketched out the system and as soon as it stops raining (not complaining) i will get started on this project.
This will be a prototype for a larger system i plan to install in an earth-sheltered passive solar greenhouse i'll be building over the summer. I want to monitor how much food i can produce from this small system. I will be reporting on progress in future posts.
Fish me luck!
Aquaponics System 1 Aquaponics System 1 leekfixer A sketch of an aquaponics system I plan to build from materials on hand.


  1. ...and what kind of fish will you be using? I would suggest bait fish such as menoes(menows - however you spell it). They can then be sold to people that fish.

  2. Have not decided. Will try some tilipia for sure. I like the idea of minnows. I can have a mixed school. Biodiversity rules!
