Tuesday, May 26, 2009


This is a long video. I've only watched the 1st 30 minutes so far and it has SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!! Stop eating anything with soy products in it immediately!


  1. Wow, very eye opening. I watched the first 30 then skimmed through the rest. Thanks for sharing!

  2. i watched that whole thing little by little the past couple days. I am disgusted. I had read many articles about Monsanto previously, but did not realize the SCOPE of their almost world wide domination of thefood supply. geez! everyone needs to watch this....

  3. This just shows you how materialistic our government is and could care less about what happens to the citizens of the US.. I am not proud to be an US citizen right now..not to mention they are allowing poison to be consumed by every American!!

  4. Monsanto also supports NAIS-- a USDA program designed to benefit corporate ag while putting the burden of paying for and supporting the program on every person who owns even one chicken, cow, pig, pony or any one of 33 species to do the following---
    NAIS (The National Animal Identification System), is a so-called disease tracking food safety program the USDA is forcing on those who own even one chicken or any other farm animal. Many are signed up without their knowledge or permission. Non-food animals such as horses, llamas, parakeets, etc are included in this program. Over 90% oppose this program yet the USDA continues to force this unwanted program on those who need it least.
    Under NAIS you register your premises, microchip all critters at your cost, report all their movements, births, deaths to a database, then risk losing them to depopulation if disease is suspected in a 6 mile radius! Currently, only sex offenders/child molesters are tagged tracked and register their premises. Animal owners will be tracked closer than illegals, drug delaers, sex offenders or that guy that blew away 13 people and wounded others at Ft. Hood.
    Protection from disease is why we are told NAIS is needed, but the real reason is for the benefit of big agriculture/factory farms so they can sell meat globally. But they do not have to tag/ track individual critters. They get ONE lot number for each animal group. And the tracking of any animals stops at slaughter, after which many food safety issues occur.
    Over 90% oppose this program but the pooers that be are out to get it mandatory for everyone! see nonais dot org for more info.

  5. Disturbing Video...
    I have been gardening for only 2 years but you do not need pesticides.

    You got to watch it all, it is no longer than a stupid movie you pay over $10.00 for, and you will be a whole lot more informed when you are done.

    Chuck Pinnell Publisher

  6. I have seen this movie before. Very scary stuff. Its no wonder that some are creating seed banks of heirloom varieties. I think it is known by some that the Monsanto path is a destructive one and they are planning to be able to begin reseeding in the future when Monsanto has destroyed most of the crops (and the people.)

  7. I would like to see Erin Brokovitch go after this company.

  8. The problem with Monsanto is that they are unwilling and unable to control the spread of their GMO seeds such as the terminator seed and the Roundup Ready seed to the environment from farms to which these seeds are applied. And of course NO ONE knows the long term environmental impact of the terminator gene in the ecosystem. Will it spread and cause sterilization of the biosphere? No one knows. This is potentially a worse environmental catastrophe than the Africanized honeybee disaster that startd in Brazil and has since spread to the entirety of the Western Hemisphere. Also, it is amazing to me that Monsanto can alter one gene (out of trillions) and then claim that that one gene makes them the owner of the entire organism.
