Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tomato Bondage - It's How We Roll!

The tomatoes have been in the ground for a little over 2 weeks now. The yellow cherry variety is starting to set fruit. All of them are starting to put out side shoots in the axils (where the leaf meets the stem) of the leaves.

Now it is time to start their weekly training ritual. Remember we will train 2 stems up the tall stakes to provide us with fruit while keeping the plant open for good air circulation to minimize conditions that are conducive to disease infestations.

About now there is usually one side shoot that stands out and shouts "Pick me" as the one to train as the second stem. That one we keep and pinch out all the other side shoots.

Every week we will pinch out all of the side shoots and tie the 2 vines to the stakes as they climb up the poles.

Mmmm, fresh tomatoes soon :)

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