Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bug Drawings : A Pattern Language

I came across a log this morning while building a hugulkultur bed (more about that in another post). It was covered in markings made by beetles feeding on the cambium layer just inside the bark. At least I think they were made by beetles.

The markings are very beautiful. They look like runes or glyphs, a language i am unable to decipher. I got the feeling that there is a message for me on this log. I just have to figure out how to learn the language.


  1. Looks like the emerald ash it an ash tree?

  2. Nah. They it was a log that sat around for a few years and some beetles munched on the cambium layer. No emerald ash borers here as yet.

  3. Very cool photos. Love the ancient Egyptian look going on here, I wonder if the bugs' message might simply be: "damn that was tasty"!

  4. They are - this is - quite beautiful - those photos turned out very well. Kudos.

  5. I like how you noticed this log. It's beauty is so easy to overlook.

  6. They are so beautiful, funny to think they are made by little bugs.
