Monday, March 26, 2012

Medicinal Plants

Verbascum thapsus- common mulleinUsnea sp.Cauliphyllum thalictroides- blue cohoshCauliphyllum thalictroides- blue cohoshCauliphyllum thalictroides- blue cohoshCimicifuga racemosa-Black cohosh
Stellaria pubera-great chickweedViola triloba- 3 lobed violetViola pensylvanica-smooth yellow violetViola sp.- violetViola pensylvanica-smooth yellow violetSanguinaria canadensis- bloodroot
Mahonia bealei- leatherleaf mahoniaMahonia bealei- leatherleaf mahoniaMahonia bealei- leatherleaf mahoniaVinca minor- Artemisia vulgaris- mugwortMelissa officinalis- lemon balm
Plantago lanceolata- english or narrow leafed plaintainRumex crispus- curled or yellow dockGalium aperine- cleaversLamium purpurea- purple dead nettleStellaria media- common chickweedGlechoma hederacea- ground ivy, creeping charlie

Many of these were photographed at The Funny Farm. Others were photographed at Foxfire in Mountain City, GA where I am taking a 10 weekend, year long Traditional Chinese Medicine workshop.

1 comment:

  1. Organic is still the best. I have a few collections in my garden.
